Dear Friends

At the 9th March session last Friday, we had a 15 min sitting, followed by a tea meditation. There was an interesting question brought up at the discussion, how to forgive our enemies, forgiving others has been a difficult task for us.

The teachers shared their insights with us, the best practice is to prepare the environment from the inside out in which forgiveness starts from ourselves first. Everyone makes mistakes, it is usually easier to blame or point a finger than to accept our own mistakes. When we start seeing our own faults and taking responsibilities toward them, it will help us make peace within ourselves. How we treat ourselves is how we treat others, and vice versa. Another good point is the notion of impermanence, all things are bound to end, so that we can take things less seriously. Thay then mentioned about Buddha teachings – 5 scenarios of putting an end to anger when we are angry with someone with one of these types  1) unkind actions + kind words  2) kind actions + unkind words 3) unkind actions + unkind words + little kindness in heart 4) unkind actions + unkind words + no kindness in heart 5) kind actions + kind words + kind mind.

This week, Bhante Maithree will give us a Dharma talk on The Four Noble Truths (the first Dharma talk of the Buddha after his enlightenment). It is important for us to study, learn the  practice of Four Noble Truths into everyday life.

With Metta,

Dao Vien Meditation Center

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